August 18, 2022, Gurugram, Haryana – Special Chief Secretary (Retd.) Government of Haryana, Shri Sunil Gulati and...
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All about Vision2konnect Consulting Started operations in 2012, Vision2Konnect consulting is a vibrant executive search consulting firm...
Well someone has quoted right that if you work hard with good intentions and sincere heart, you...
Founders Salman Shaikh artist, filmmaker & entrepreneur owner of the webmark and Gausi Mujammil Garment Manufacturer &...
Mrs Sapan kay cee concern about the decline of the Congress party in the country’s political arena....
An outreach program was conducted under the on ongoing celebration of Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav by the...
A Job guarantee program is a program in which getting a Job is guaranteed and stipulated by...
With a vision to transform and address the problems faced by students and to be innovative, RineX...
“Social Service Activities by RineX, it’s just not business it’s even what you give back to Society”

“Social Service Activities by RineX, it’s just not business it’s even what you give back to Society”
India is a country with more than 138 crore people and literacy rate is just 33%. Growth...
It’s said that years of experience can teach you the learnings without even living the years yourself...