Swati Arora, a resident of Bangalore, with her hard work and noble intentions won the title of Mrs. India Pride of Nation/ Ravishing 2021- Face of South. Recently, the Mrs. India Pride of Nation 2021 show was organized by Barkha Nangia and Abhishek Nangia at The Leela Hotel in Gurugram, in which women from many states across the country participated and among them, Swati Arora became Face of South. While talking to the media, Swati, first of all, thanked both the organizers of the show, Barkha and Abhishek Nangia, who provided us with such a good platform where we could show our talent. Swati while speaking to the press said: “there were various rounds and with my hard work and confidence I reached my destination and won this beautiful title”. Swati further told that in this show which lasted for 5 days, we were also given various kinds of sessions like grooming, fitness, public speaking, mental and physical well-being, ramp walk, etc. Swati dedicated this title to her late father Mr. Chand Mehrota whose dream was to see Swati wearing the crown. She told that during this entire journey my family members and my close friends have supported me very well, and always used to encourage me. Let us tell you that though Swati is working as a Technology Marketer for the last 15 years, now her dream is to build a career in the fashion and glamour industry which she has started the journey and in the future, her goal is that she will empower underprivileged women through her skills and experience helping them to grow and become self-sufficient in the field of their choice