Started in 2018 and formerly known as Buoyancy Education, Plangamy is an Ed-Tech company focused on helping...
Get education news in India, covering school exams, university admissions, and career opportunities. Stay informed with News Centre 24. For feedback and suggestions or enquiry reach out to us[email protected]
We at Verzeo, believe in Everything Learning and wish to help students gain hands-on experience through the...
A Job guarantee program is a program in which getting a Job is guaranteed and stipulated by...
With a vision to transform and address the problems faced by students and to be innovative, RineX...
“Social Service Activities by RineX, it’s just not business it’s even what you give back to Society”

“Social Service Activities by RineX, it’s just not business it’s even what you give back to Society”
India is a country with more than 138 crore people and literacy rate is just 33%. Growth...
It’s said that years of experience can teach you the learnings without even living the years yourself...
If Put in hard work and patience, nothing stays small in the long run. So did The...
Puraskaar is an organization which aims to impart free online Education to all children of the nation...
Ed-tech Company Bodhi AI has acquired Kota-based start-up Skoolstream. The acquisition is an initiative to strengthen content offerings, tech...
Woxsen, one of the first non-public universities of the country of Telangana, to feature greater sectoral first...