In a cashless world, everything revolves around digitization. Therefore, we must adapt to today’s world and learn...
Founders Salman Shaikh artist, filmmaker & entrepreneur owner of the webmark and Gausi Mujammil Garment Manufacturer &...
A Job guarantee program is a program in which getting a Job is guaranteed and stipulated by...
With a vision to transform and address the problems faced by students and to be innovative, RineX...
India is a country with more than 138 crore people and literacy rate is just 33%. Growth...
It’s said that years of experience can teach you the learnings without even living the years yourself...
The typical education system is not delivering what is being expected out of it, to match industry...
Education and learning are only effective when it makes you solve a purpose out of the box...
If Put in hard work and patience, nothing stays small in the long run. So did The...
Sandeep Choudhary, the Co-founder of Inflector India and Yes World Community is on the world’s biggest mission...